Hysterosalpingogram for Infertility
This is an X-Ray performed under fluoroscopy to determine whether the fallopian tubes are open and if the uterine cavity is normal. This test is often done for women who are having difficulty becoming pregnant, however, this test should not be done if pregnancy is suspected.
Pre-Appointment Preparation
- Must be scheduled between day 7-10 of menstrual period.
- NO intercourse 3 days prior to the procedure.
- Must have an HCG blood test (not a urinalysis) within 24 hours prior to the procedure. You will need to bring the results of the blood test with you or have them faxed to us. If we do not have the blood pregnancy test (HCG) results, we cannot do the exam.
Note: In general, labs are not open on Sundays
If you develop fever or severe pain contact our office at 352-333-7847 (7VIP) or call your referring physician. After hours or on weekends, go to the nearest emergency room or call North Florida Regional Medical Center at 352-333-4000 and ask for the Radiologist on call.
Hysterosalpingogram for Essure Sterilization
Hysterosalpingogram for Essure Sterilization is one of the newest methods of sterilization, where micro-inserts are placed in a location where the fallopian tubes have been blocked.
Pre-Appointment Preparation
- Must be scheduled between day 7-10 of menstrual period.
- NO intercourse 3 days prior to the procedure.
- Must have an HCG blood test (not a urinalysis) within 24 hours prior to the procedure. You will need to bring the results of the blood test with you or have them faxed to us. If we do not have the blood pregnancy test (HCG) results, we cannot do the exam.
Note: In general, labs are not open on Sundays.
If you develop fever or severe pain contact our office at 352-333-7847 (7VIP) or call your referring physician. After hours or on weekends, go to the nearest emergency room or call North Florida Regional Medical Center at 352-333-4000 and ask for the Radiologist on call.