Diagnostic X-Ray
* X-Ray and BMD services are located at VIP Office 6685 NW 9th Blvd – 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Diagnostic X-Ray is a painless procedure that allows the radiologist to analyze bony and soft tissue anatomy for diagnosis.
Common X-Ray exams include:
- Chest
- Bones
- Digestive system studies
In all procedures, a very low dose of radiation is used, which makes them an extremely safe diagnostic tool. There is no preparation involved before having a diagnostic X-Ray.
Other procedures that use X-Ray technology are Fluoroscopy and Arthrography.
Fluoroscopy uses a fluoroscope to view the internal organs of the body. A contrast agent is used to amplify the area of interest. Fluoroscopy is helpful in vascular, spinal and gynecological procedures. It is also used to diagnose digestive tract and kidney conditions.
Arthrography uses X-Rays to document the position of joints. A joint is first injected with contrast dye, and then images are taken to determine whether or not the contrast is in the correct position.